
SYNTHES — the company (SME) has been based in 2014 and specialised on technological consulting and innovative projects in industrial sphere, including in the field of working out, manufacturing, processing and application of various steels.

The list of trends and opportunities Metallurgy of special steels:

  • Development of new technologies for the production of alloys with prescribed thermal and elastic properties, soft magnetic alloys, magnetic alloys, alloys with high ohmic resistance, thermostatic bimetals highly sensitive and with increased sensitivity, shape memory alloys, damping alloys of Invar alloys, nitinol, tool steels , wear-resistant alloy, internally oxidized copper alloy plates for crystallizers and other multifunctional materials;
  • Restoration and surface hardening of metals (plasma surfacing of, laser surfacing of, vibration surfacing of arc, plasma hardening, argon arc quenching, plasma spraying, supersonic spraying, gas-dynamic spraying);
  • Development of new classes of welding and surfacing materials of various functional purpose with nano disperse hardening;
  • Development of technologies for the production of materials based on nanoceramics (carbides, oxides, borides, nitrides, metal-ceramic);
  • The technology is a low-temperature non-vacuum sintering powder materials;
  • Research and development of technology spheroidization metal powders and oxide materials;
  • Studies of plasma chemical recovery oxide powder of raw materials;
  • Investigation of the influence and development of new types of modifiers of structure and properties of metals and alloys;
  • Technological chemistry, including lubricants, cutting fluids, grinding fluids, inhibitors, antioxidants, cleaners, sequestering, Preservative compounds, hydraulic fluids, etc .;
  • Conducting specialized research and testing in the field of materials, including the assessment of surface micro-topography, surface wear (friction pairs).

Fields of application:

  • Metallurgy;
  • metalworking;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • automotive;
  • welding;
  • Surface hardening of metals;
  • technological chemistry;
  • lubricants;
  • composite materials;
  • nanoceramics;
  • application of thermal coatings;
  • plasma chemical recovery technology and spheroidization;
  • powder materials; coating materials;
  • micro surface topography of;
  • friction pair.



Pheonix3D – Manufacture of metal fines and powders (including refractory metals) for Powder Metallurgy and Additive Machines

About Project



455023 Russia, Magnitogorsk, Chapaev st., 13, pom. 1.

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